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联系人:杜翔 ()

公司地址:中国 广东 深圳市宝安区 宝安71区新永丰工业园4楼


深圳市好亚华电子有限公司 位于广东省深圳市宝安71区新永丰工业园4楼。是一家研发、生产、销售于一体的实体厂家。公司主要生产手机充电器、USB充电头 、充电器、移动电源适配器、开关电源、防水电源 ,监控电源、车充、转接头、数据线等数码配件。公司自成立至今赢得众多客户的好评,公司一直奉行的宗旨是“诚信赢客户,质量求生存''为目标。我们生产的产品远销,欧美,东南亚,南非等多个国家。国内也有多家代理商和销售网点。同时也希望有更多的朋友和网商加入到我们的队伍来一起合作共赢。 Shenzhen HaoYaHua electronics co., LTD. Is located in the guangdong province shenzhen baoan district 71 jiangnan building 7th floor. Is a research and development, production, sales in the integration of entity factory. The company mainly produces mobile phone charger, USB charging head, universal charger, mobile power adapter, switch power supply, water supply, monitoring power, car charger and digital accessories. Since the establishment of the company has won numerous customer high praise, the company has been pursuing aim is